Geology & Mining

One of the segments of our company is the area of geology and mining, prospecting mineral resources and stimulating businesses in this sector.

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The car you drive the computer you are using to read this, even the shoes on your feet - most of these things contain products of mineral origin, extracted as commodities and processed by the industry.

Oxycer Mining

The world economy always had a close relationship with the mineral extraction. Oxycer does business in the area of acquisitions of natural resource mines (mining - iron, nickel, aluminum, copper, bauxite and other noble minerals - mineral water and mines of marbles and precious stones).

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The Spirit of the Enterprise

The world economy always had a close relationship with the mineral extraction. Oxycer does business in the area of acquisitions of natural resource mines (mining - iron, nickel, aluminum, copper, bauxite and other noble minerals - mineral water and mines of marbles and precious stones).

Oxycer Mining and its Policy on Indigenous Social Sustainability of a Protective Nature and Economic and Human Development on Indigenous Lands and Peoples

Oxycer has made applications in indigenous areas in view of the existence of Bill 191/2020, which will soon become law, noting that Oxycer will be concerned with complying with all the dictates of the impending law that will regulate mining operations on indigenous lands, and will also seek, with every effort, to fulfill anthropological and humanitarian social functions with indigenous peoples, intending to act beyond the text of the law to fulfill its internal purposes and objectives of its Corporate Policy.

When Oxycer Mining decided to go into the mining sector, it deliberated in its Board of Directors that it will give priority to mining areas in INDIGENOUS LANDS in face of PL 191/2020 being processed in the National Congress for the imminent promulgation of the Law that will promote the permission and regulation of mining exploration in indigenous lands.

Oxycer Mining has a social interest in Indigenous Peoples, in the humanitarian sense of the term, to contribute to the protection, socio-educational and economic development and welfare of Indigenous Peoples.

As for the economic area, Oxycer Mining has a firm policy of sharing all the economic and financial progress from mining on Indigenous lands with the Indigenous Peoples, obeying and complying with the precepts of the Law (PL 191/2020 determines up to 50% of the profits for the Indigenous Peoples), in addition to having an Indigenist Policy, in the broad and technical sense of the term, towards the Indigenous Peoples in this mining master plan.

The three pillars of sustainability adopted as corporate principles by Oxycer Mining

The basis of sustainability is divided into three pillars: social, economic, and environmental. These bases were first evidenced in the Brundtland Report (1987), launched by the UN, thus introducing the concept of sustainable development in the world.


Promotes equal rights and opportunities for all, leading to greater balance and justice in the distribution of wealth and access to resources and services for a dignified life, in accordance with Human Rights.

Turning to the business environment, sustainability begins when the organization respects its employees, suppliers, target audience, and the community at large. Besides stimulating creativity and providing a suitable and healthy environment to strengthen personal and professional relationships.


For a company to be economically sustainable, it must be able to produce, distribute, and offer its products or services in a way that establishes a fair competitive relationship with other competitors in the market.

In addition, the company's financial planning must be taken into consideration, because more than making a profit with its offers and products, it must be sure that this profit respects its employees and the environment.

Sustainability can also help the financial sector, since with the saving of resources and the reduction of materials, water, and energy, the total amount in the bill at the end of the month will also reduce, thus generating a cyclical process of advantages and benefits.


The environmental pillar is responsible for all conducts that have, directly or indirectly, some impact on the environment, whether in the short, medium, or long term.

Its main objective is to minimize, as much as possible, the environmental impacts caused by industrial or mining production.

Oxycer Mining's policy is to protect nature as the main rule of its corporate policy, understanding that life and human beings depend completely on nature preserved in its original state, which are the most important values that must be protected.

Intention of Protection and Development (well-being and broad sense of human development) of Indigenous Peoples.

In addition to Oxycer's corporate policy being signed on the basis of the above pillars, OXYCER has an interna corporis interest, like the indigenists, in protecting and assisting Indigenous Peoples in the broadest sense of the term, as this is the intention at the heart of its management board.

The bill 191/2020 that will become the law that will allow mining in indigenous areas will allow companies and individuals to operate in the area of mining in IT, It is obvious that it is much more favorable for the indigenous peoples that these agents have in their animus this policy and intention that Oxycer has to accomplish development and aid for the indigenous peoples far beyond what the Law determines, because Oxycer's ultimate social purpose is international humanitarian aid (indigenous peoples, refugees from wars, disasters, orphans, widows, etc.).

In addition to the socio-environmental commitment, the requirement of the areas meets the National Mining Plan – 2030, promoting the development of small and medium-sized mining, researching strategic minerals and guaranteeing the supply of inputs for civil works of agricultural infrastructure and civil construction.

Oxycer follows the principles of sustainable growth, protection and human development defended by the UN and the World Bank, in addition to its internal principles of maximum appreciation of the greatest humanitarian asset, which is the human being, with a broad policy of defense and environmental protection. , sustainable growth and sui generis care for indigenous peoples.

Oxycer Mineração only works with the ARTISANAL OR RUDIMENTARY MINING SYSTEM, with the objective of generating the least possible impact on the ENVIRONMENT, even if the economic results are reduced, in compliance with its Sustainability and Environmental Protection Policy.

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